A Bright Future awaits

July 15, 2020

London Gypsies and Travellers has relaunched its Bright Futures programme, which supports children and parents as they make the transition from primary school to secondary school or from school to college.

Bright Futures now has its own logo, and LGT is promoting the programme widely. As part of the service, LGT’s youth development worker can accompany parents and children to schools, meetings, open days, inductions and first day – anything to make transitions a success.

“We will support both parent, child and teachers all the way through school life,” says Liza Dodds, LGT’s Youth Development Worker. “We can attend meetings with school staff, advocate for Travellers’ cultural needs such as travelling, and can work with parents so they fully understand the needs of the school.”

“A good transition can really make the difference between a great time at school or not wanting to go at all. A child who completes their secondary schooling has a much better chance of earning more money and having better job choices than those who don’t.”

LGT recommends staying in school but can provide support if home education is chosen.

If you need support from the service, please contact Ivana on email, phone or Whatsapp youth@londongandt.org.uk 07887 764 682

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