The Bright Futures programme
Bright Futures by London Gypsies and Travellers is an innovative programme designed specifically for young people in the community. It provides mentoring, employability and wellbeing support for young people aged 16 to 25 years and not in education, employment or training. The programme is aimed at enabling young people to develop the awareness, motivation, and skills they need to actively engage in wider society with pride and confidence.
Bright Futures offers young people:
- one-to-one mentoring tailored to needs and interests
- career guidance and pathways to training and employment
- emotional and mental wellbeing support
- informative and fun group activities and workshops
- safe, relaxed, and positive environments
- long-term engagement and impact

Programme details
Bright Futures is free and open to Gypsy, Roma and Traveller young people who are keen to broaden their outlook, learn new skills and find stable training and employment opportunities. Over a period of six months to one year, they are supported and guided by an experienced mentor to explore their options and interests, set future goals and work towards achieving them.
During the course of the programme, young people have regular one-to-one mentoring sessions tailored to understand and meet their unique needs. Mentors from the GRT community or with similar backgrounds and knowledge of the community help and encourage them to find focus, build resilience and make informed decisions about their future.
Young people receive practical and realistic guidance and support to explore career options and find the right training to learn new skills and enhance employability. This includes help with attending introductory workshops, short courses and vocational programmes, and finding apprenticeships and employment.
With a strong focus on mental and emotional well-being, the programme assists young people on the programme to develop coping skills and a positive mindset so that they can face challenges and stay on track to achieving their full potential.
If you are interested in Bright Futures and the mentoring, employability and wellbeing support it provides, please contact us for details of the programme and application process.