Adult training
Gypsies and Travellers are at a huge disadvantage in the job market due their lack of information technology and literacy skills. We provide these skills through our Step Forward project, which aims to empower young women and help them achieve their goals. We equip them with basic skills and knowledge so that they can go onto further training, find paid employment or become self-employed.
We are currently focusing on how to use Microsoft Office programmes such as Publisher, PowerPoint and Excel. Using hands-on methods, attendees learn through practical teaching, with one-to-one support. They are encouraged to help each other through peer-to-peer learning
Watch the inspiring stories of women who feel the project has given them a second chance.
For more information contact

Young people
Many young Gypsies and Travellers have very few choices or opportunities to achieve their potential. Discriminatory attitudes or policies can make accessing training or employment difficult.
We empower young people to develop their individual potential through mentoring, training, employment pathways and wellbeing support.
Our Bright Futures programme is open to all Gypsy, Roma and Traveller young people aged 14 to 25 who want long-term individualised support to find sustainable training and work opportunities.
For more information about Bright Futures for young people, contact
I have learnt that I really want to do this for my future. I did not think I could do this, but now I know I can. I want to go back to college and make a proper future for myself.