Our year has been about ambition

March 26, 2019

Ambition has been at the heart of London Gypsies and Travellers’ work during the past year, according to its Chair Claire Cooper, summarising activity and achievement in the 2018 Annual Report.

She says it ran through everything the organisation did in 2018, “from challenging prejudice and working with young people, to engaging councillors and documenting the community’s heritage”.

“I’m particularly proud of the brilliant response to the London Plan consultation, where Gypsies and Travellers across London made their voices heard on the future of their city,” she writes in the introductory message of the report, launched at LGT’s Annual General Meeting in February and now available to download from this website.

The report covers LGT’s work challenging stereotypes, campaigning for accommodation, supporting residents, mapping services and experiences, collecting information about heritage, giving young people access to education and training and confronting councils’ zero tolerance approach to Gypsies and Travellers.

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