People & voices

Blogs, stories, quotes and opinion from the Gypsy and Traveller community


I confronted him and told him who I was

Billy Smith explains why he has chosen to be part of LGT

Video: Gypsies and Travellers in the Media

Members of the community in the limelight – but for good or ill? A film from Rural Media

Video: moved on to make way for the Olympic Park

Traveller families from Hackney reveal their feelings about their community being relocated to make way for the Olympic Park. They now live on three separate sites.

“I feel like a fraud living in a flat”

In 2009, London Gypsies and Travellers (then the London Gypsy and Traveller Unit) encouraged people from the community to write to the London Mayor in response to the London plan, which included targets for new pitches. Their letters reveal the desperate situations facing many Gypsies and Travellers given the shortage of pitches. Plans for targets were withdrawn soon afterwards.

Video: young people talk about hate crime

In this video from Travelling Ahead, young Gypsies and Travellers talk about what hateful comments and coverage mean to them

Video: raising the issue of hate crime

Article 12 in Scotland, a charity that works with Gypsies and Travellers, has produced this short video raising the issue of hate crime. It is made by a group of young Gypsy/Travellers.

“I feel we have been left out of everything”

In 2014 London Gypsies and Travellers invited members of the community to have their say about the Government’s housing plans, now the Housing and Planning Act 2016. Marian Mahoney from Tower Hamlets says she feels excluded from housing policy.

Video: speaking out against planning changes

Gypsies and travellers give their response to government plans.