News & events

Updates, information and news from London Gypsies and Travellers

Latest news

Deputy Mayor listens to concerns and fears

October 25, 2017

Members and representatives of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities discussed their needs and aspirations – and how the Greater London Authority might address them – at a meeting with one of London’s Deputy Mayors on 18th October. Among the issues raised by participants were the huge accommodation crisis facing London Gypsies, Roma and Travellers, …

The future is bright

October 12, 2017

A new LGT mentoring programme is supporting young Gypsies and Travellers into work, providing a gateway to further training, independence and employment. The Bright Futures programme is aimed at young people aged 16-21 who have finished or did not complete school and want to embark on jobs or further training but are struggling without experience, …

London Mayor gives hope of progress for Gypsies and Travellers

August 15, 2017

On Thursday 10th August at Mayor’s Question Time, London Assembly member Tom Copley asked Sadiq Khan how his London Plan and Housing Strategy will cater for the accommodation needs of London’s Gypsy and Traveller community. The government recently restricted the definition of “Gypsy or Traveller” in planning terms, which has led some councils to decide that they …

Hackney Unites Festival, Saturday 17 June

June 20, 2017

  This Saturday, 17 June LGT took part in the Hackney Unites festival held in Hackney Community College. The vibrant event brought together over 50 community groups, ranging from a wide variety of ethnic and community groups, health related charities, education institutions, child migrant stories, a refugee choir. There was also a fashion show, circus …

Exhibition on life and struggles over 100 years

June 15, 2017

To mark Gypsy, Roma and Traveller history month this June, LGT has put together an exhibition on the life and struggles of Gypsies and Travellers in London over the last 100 years. The exhibition will be shown at the Hackney More in Common Festival on 17th June. The exhibition follows the story of families settling …

Celebrating daily lives and diversity

June 13, 2017

London Gypsies and Travellers is taking part in this year’s Hackney Unites Festival on Saturday 17th June at Hackney Community College in Shoreditch from 11.30-17.00h. There will be over 80 community groups, stalls, food, a fashion show, music performances and exhibitions which you are invited to join. To celebrate the diversity and contributions of the …

The story behind ‘We are all so many things…’

May 8, 2017

Clemmie James, LGT’s Community Development and Campaigns Officer, devised the organisation’s powerful new #wearesomanythings campaign with members of the Gypsy and Traveller community. Here she describes the thoughts that drove it. “Prejudice is learned, often at a very young age. With the campaign, we are asking the public to unlearn the prejudice that appears to be ingrained and accepted in all …

New LGT campaign challenges the stigma that rules people’s lives

May 8, 2017

A new LGT campaign aims to challenge public perceptions of Gypsies and Travellers by asking why people only ever see their ethnicity, not their worth. The striking poster and social media campaign aims to demonstrate that the reality of Gypsies and Travellers’ lives is a far cry from the vulgar and caricatured images presented in …

Challenging Perception – in the heart of London

April 5, 2017

London Gypsies and Travellers and Tom Copley AM hosted the first ever event dedicated to Gypsies and Travellers in the London’s Living Room on 31st March 2017. ‘Gypsies and Travellers have been living and working in London for hundreds of years. They are active community members and contribute to the economic and social life of …

A name and brand change to reflect new ambitions

March 30, 2017

The London Gypsy and Traveller Unit is taking a major step forward in its evolution, changing its name, branding and website. From April 2017, the organisation will be known as London Gypsies and Travellers. At the same time, it is updating its logo and launching a completely new website – designed to communicate with the Gypsy and Traveller community …