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Updates, information and news from London Gypsies and Travellers

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Legal case against injunctions begins

December 17, 2018

London Gypsies and Travellers has been successful in the first stage of its legal challenge to local authorities banning nomadic Gypsies and Travellers from camping on parks, commons and other open spaces. More than 20 local authorities in England have obtained injunction orders giving them the powers to fine, imprison or seize the property of …

GLA funds negotiated stopping research

December 6, 2018

London Gypsies and Travellers announces the start of a research project to reveal the potential of negotiated stopping in London. The project will receive up to £30,000 of grant funding from the Mayor of London and will be carried out in collaboration with Professor Jo Richardson at DeMontfort University (DMU). The research will include interviews …

LGT acts to stop encampment bans

November 20, 2018

London Gypsies and Travellers is stepping up its fight against legal moves by local authorities to effectively ban nomadic Gypsies and Travellers from making encampments on any parks, commons, open spaces and industrial land. On 26th November, it will begin a legal challenge against the London Borough of Bromley’s attempts to gain such an injunction …

Putting Travelling people on the map of London

October 24, 2018

As the London Plan that will guide London’s development over the next 20 years takes shape, the need for Travelling people to make their voices heard in the decisions and planning processes that will affect them has never been more urgent. Generations of Travelling Showpeople, Romany Gypsies, and Irish Travellers have been Londoners, making unique contributions …

LGT Youth Internship

September 25, 2018

London Gypsies and Travellers are looking for a new Youth Intern. This is an exciting opportunity to develop your skills within LGT where we will find out what you’re interested in and develop the programme to suit you. The aim is to build your confidence and abilities, enabling you to tackle your future with a …

LGT responds on injunction orders

September 14, 2018

Over the last few months, more and more councils across England have been obtaining High Court injunction orders against unauthorised encampments, writes Ilinca Diaconescu, LGT’s Policy Officer. These apply to various pieces of land, particularly parks, commons and other open spaces but also to industrial land. In some cases, the injunction specifically prohibits depositing waste …

London Plan news

August 30, 2018

Earlier this month, the Mayor published the comments on his new Draft London Plan sent by councils, businesses, community groups and individuals between January and March this year. There has been a fantastic response from the Gypsy and Traveller community to the consultation, amounting to almost a quarter of all the responses. Mena Mongan, Community Engagement …

LGT welcomes new stopping website

August 15, 2018

London Gypsies and Travellers has welcomed a new website which explains negotiated stopping – an innovative way of addressing problems raised by the lack of suitable site provision. Using videos and personal viewpoints, the website shows how negotiated stopping (NS) offers an alternative to the normal “zero tolerance” approach of councils to unauthorised encampment or …

Lottery funds new history project

May 24, 2018

London Gypsies and Travellers has received a grant of £99,900 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to explore and capture Gypsy and Traveller history and heritage in London. Made possible by money raised by National Lottery players, the grant will support an 18-month project – named ‘Mapping the pathway to equality: Gypsy and Traveller history and …

Chart your experience in online map

May 21, 2018

London Gypsies and Travellers has launched an interactive online map, where Gypsies and Travellers in London can find out about the experiences of other members of the community when using local services – for example, those related to housing, sites, employment, health and education. Then they can share their own experiences for others to refer …